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'A second nearest-neighbor modified embedded-atom method combined with a charge equilibration interatomic potential for the Al-O binary system'


Ji-Su Lee, Joonho Ji, Sang-Ho Oh and Byeong-Joo Lee,

accepted for publcation in Computational Materials Science.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
176 [Publication] M-L Prediction of Evaporation during DED Byeong-Joo Lee 2024.08.26 176
175 [Congratulations] 이지수, 금속재료학회 우수발표상 file Byeong-Joo Lee 2024.05.16 340
174 [Publication] Ductility of Amorphous Al2O3 Byeong-Joo Lee 2024.05.07 392
173 [Publication] Diffusional Growth of Nb3Sn Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.11.18 612
172 [Congratulations] Selected as a featured article by Nature Communications file Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.11.15 1971
171 [Congratulations] 오상호, 금속재료학회 우수발표상 file Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.11.11 419
170 [Publication] Machine-Learning Control of Porosity in AM Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.10.18 459
» [Publication] 2NNMEAM+Qeq Interatomic Potential for Al2O3 Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.09.12 208
168 [Publication] Volume expansion in anode materials for SIB Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.07.18 242
167 [Congratulations] Sang-Ho Oh - 2023 CALPHAD Poster Award file Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.07.10 225
166 [Congratulations] 왕재민, 오상호, 이지수, 금속재료학회 우수발표상 file Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.05.15 525
165 [Publication] Role of Ti in Diffusional Growth of Nb3Sn Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.05.04 240
164 [Publication] Neural Network Design of High Entropy Alloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2023.03.28 286
163 [Publication] Atomistic simulation on the Li-(Ni,Mn,Co)-O system Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.12.14 282
162 [Publication] Alloy Design of Mg Alloy Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.12.06 289
161 [Publication] A Monte Carlo model for real time conversion under non-uniform temperature distribution Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.11.28 512
160 [Congratulations] 장효선 박사 - 대한금속재료학회 소재혁신 신진연구자 선정 file Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.11.01 504
159 [Publication] High-entropy Alloy with Multi-strengthening Mechanisms Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.10.21 336
158 [Publication] Diffusional Interfacial Reaction between Cu and In Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.07.08 345
157 {Publication] Interatomic potential for Li-Ni-O system Byeong-Joo Lee 2022.06.23 450
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