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'Numerical model to predict mechanical properties of Ni-base Superalloys' Young-Kwang Kim, Donghoon Kim, Hong-Kyu Kim, Eun-Yoo Yoon, Youngseon Lee, Chang-Seok Oh, Byeong-Joo Lee, accepted for publication in International Journal of Plasticity

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
136 [Publication] Co-M (M=Ti, V) MEAM Byeong-Joo Lee 2020.05.23 1099
135 [Publication] Cu-M (M=Co, Mo) MEAM Byeong-Joo Lee 2020.02.29 1422
134 [Publication] Catalysts: Computational Design Byeong-Joo Lee 2020.01.12 1429
133 [Congratulations] Hyo-Sun Jang - 2019 ICMS Poster Award file 도현석 2019.11.07 1611
132 [Congratulations] Hyo-Sun Jang - 2019 KIM Oral Presentation Award file 도현석 2019.11.05 1612
131 [Publication] Mg-Zn-Ca MEAM Byeong-Joo Lee 2019.09.08 1650
130 [Publication] Thermodynamic Calculation of CoCrFeNiV HEA System Byeong-Joo Lee 2019.05.01 2125
129 [Congratulations] Won-Mi Choi- 2018 WISET KIM Award file 지준호 2018.11.08 2466
128 [Publication] Radiation Resistance of High Entropy Alloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.10.18 2509
127 [Publication] Effect of Zn on Mg alloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.09.10 2675
126 [Publication] Computational Design of High Entropy Alloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.07.22 2979
125 [Publication] Pd-M MEAM Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.06.23 2433
» [Publication] Ni-base Superalloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.06.20 2578
123 [Publication] Thermodynamic Calculation of CrFeNiV HEA System Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.06.14 2427
122 [Publication] Hydrogen Embrittlement on GBs of bcc Iron Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.03.24 2720
121 [Publication] 2NNMEAM for Zn and Mg-Zn Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.01.09 3175
120 [Publication] Origin for Room Temp. Ductility of Mg Alloys Byeong-Joo Lee 2018.01.03 3201
119 [Publication] Atomistic Simulation on CoCrFeMnNi HEA Byeong-Joo Lee 2017.12.21 5022
118 [Publication] Surface energy of Pt Byeong-Joo Lee 2017.12.15 3050
117 [Congratulations] Hyo-Sun Jang - 2017 KIM Oral Presentation Award file 김경민 2017.11.16 4124
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